Today is a lucky day for the zodiac sign of Aries

Today is a lucky day for the zodiac sign of Aries

It is your zodiac sign Ram? Then we have good news for you! Today, Thursday April 11, is yours lucky day! Whether you receive a sweet compliment from the cashier at the supermarket, a convenient bump on the street or receive good news at work: it’s the small and big happy events that will make your day today.


At Grazia we not only share your horoscope, but we also discuss for each zodiac sign when a lucky day is planned. Is your zodiac sign Aries? Then you won’t have to wait long before good luck comes your way.

Today is your lucky day. And you know what they say: the stars predict! So you can leave home or start your work day with peace of mind.

Ram: 21 March – 20 April

On April 6, the love planet Venus will join you. If there have been any issues in your relationship up to that point, they will disappear like snow in the sun from that point on. You know how to talk to each other and your sex life gets stronger. If you are single, the chance of an exciting encounter is greatest in mid-April. You are highlighting something interesting. It’s up to you who you want to go to.

Text: Esther van Heerebeek – 12th House | Image: Selling Sunset (Netflix)