Is the Polestar Phone still a good idea?

Is the Polestar Phone still a good idea?

It’s not just smartphone companies that are building electric cars, electric car brands are now also building smartphones. More or less anyway. It is obvious and logical that industries are now merging. Both “gadgets” are essential elements for daily life and for our mobility.

Polestar is now making its phone official. They worked with Meizu for this, where the device and design come from. Polestar basically just puts their logo on it and has a say in the software. However, today we are faced with the question of whether Meizu is the right partner? Because Meizu has no experience in the international market and stops using smartphones.


If Polestar is serious about offering a decent Android phone for its cars, it might want to get an international partner on board. Even if you have been very well served by Meizu for optical reasons.

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