BYD: Tesla hunter wants to conquer Europe

BYD: Tesla hunter wants to conquer Europe

Tesla had no competitor for a long time and then the up-and-coming BYD came “around the corner”. Now there is a duel for market leadership in electric vehicles. BYD still has no name in the market as many in Europe don’t even know how to pronounce the name correctly. But Europe in particular is an important market for BYD.

By sponsoring the European Football Championship this summer, we are already taking an important step towards greater awareness. The first European factory will also be launched in Hungary in the coming years. Until now, no other Chinese manufacturer has its car production on European soil.

BYD manufactures its own batteries and even supplies them to competitors like Tesla. There are also our own chips, which are very important in the age of modern electric cars. BYD electric cars are already good, the range is different, but they are not cheap. An extensive sales and service network is essential to success.

BYD wants to have at least 5 percent of the electric car market in Europe by 2026.

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