The walk brings together young people with multiple disabilities and able-bodied people in Nissan-lez-Enserune

The walk brings together young people with multiple disabilities and able-bodied people in Nissan-lez-Enserune

“Look at how happy they are. They have a smile. And with every trip, they show the same joy” believes Isabelle Donati, director of the Foundation for children and young people with multiple disabilities in Nissan-lez-Enserune (Sol-N house of the Red Cross).

The climb is planned for this Wednesday, April 3, starting from the Moulins car park on the slopes of the town to the west of Béziers. 5 km walk with joëlette to transport a child with multiple disabilities. “It is important that they can get out of the structure and open to the outside.”

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The Medical Education Institute has two wheelchairs for each area that allow people with limited mobility to navigate steep paths that cannot be reached by a standard wheelchair. The equipment was purchased with the help of the Council of the Department of Hérault. Théo, wearing a helmet and protected from the wind, is the only beneficiary of this trip this Wednesday. Her sparkling eyes say it all.

“The establishment is open to the outside world, to participate in all kinds of activities. It is a world that opens up to them. It allows them to smell the scrubland. It is very pleasant. It is for them the possibility of having a social life and for the public to meet the children who are in SOL-N”.

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Walking with joëlette on the heights of Nissan-lez-Enserune (34) © Radio France
Stefan Pocher

Nissan SOL-N welcomes around fifty childrenincluding 14 in boarding schools, suffering from three types of disabilities (autism, mental retardation and various disabilities).

About fifty people, including children from other buildings, mainly from Servian and Quarante, but also patients from the retirement home and residents of Nissan-lez-Ensérunes entered the center of Pinèdes towards Saint-Chapelle.

We are actually in the process of transparency with the idea of ​​including inclusive play” explains Benoît Castelar, sports teacher. “The aim is to share this walking time with other medical and social structures, creating a fun time. Very quickly a bond is created with everyone who comes, with adults who do not know and young people who enjoy socializing with others and it is important that they open up to the outside world, we meet many people, there are. a good time to share.”

“They are excited about this field trip. They are excited to meet people.”

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“It’s a laugh, there’s a really good exchange, we’re building a bond”

This hike is planned for the third time since December 2023 and SOL-N. All generations are represented. Retirement home residents join the journey and move at their own pace. “We see them interacting, making friends, passing, helping each other if necessary” explains Delphine Barthes, psychomotor specialist at Sol-N house

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Very friendly children

Magalie is a bus driver. He accompanies the children from home to the establishment every day. “It is true that they are changed by coming here, but as always they come out, it is good to see them happy, very friendly”

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Children appreciate this sharing and reaching out to others. This may be surprising, but it is their way of expressing their well-being, says Caroline, a special educator and coordinator of the mentally disabled center at SOL-EN. “My youth group continued to walk with the older people. When I see them like that, I am very happy”

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A new walk is planned for June 18 at 2:15 am from the Moulins car park. Walking open to all. This type of outing is important concludes Audrey Caron, ofEAM Isabelle Marie. He traveled this Tuesday with a group of young people, all of them were happy with this trip.

“A very good bond between young people and people of a certain age.”

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Walking with joëlette on the heights of Nissan-lez-Enserune (34)
Walking with joëlette on the heights of Nissan-lez-Enserune (34) © Radio France
Stefan Pocher

Walking with joëlette on the heights of Nissan-lez-Enserune (34)
Walking with joëlette on the heights of Nissan-lez-Enserune (34) © Radio France
Stefan Pocher