The red Fiat 500 that belonged to the President of the Republic Sandro Pertini will be displayed tomorrow in the hall of the Regional Council of Liguria.

The red Fiat 500 that belonged to the President of the Republic Sandro Pertini will be displayed tomorrow in the hall of the Regional Council of Liguria.

The exhibition of the red Fiat 500 that belonged to the President of the Republic Sandro Pertini, which will take place tomorrow in the hall of the Regional Council of Liguria, represents a great respect not only for the figure of Pertini, but also for historical cars. and Italian car culture.

This program, promoted by the Regional Council of Liguria and the organization Stati Generali del Patrimonio Italiano, included in the program of Cities of the President, follows the milestones associated with the life of Pertini, such as Modena, where he graduated, and Stella, his hometown . It is a way to honor the memory of a beloved and respected president, but also to celebrate the special bond that Pertini had with the Fiat 500, an Italian automotive icon.

The story of Pertini who, without a driving license, was driven by his wife Carla Voltolina in this Fiat 500, adds a touch of charm and curiosity to the history of the car. After the death of Pertini’s widow in 2005, the car was donated to the Municipality of Turin and later presented to the National Automobile Museum, where it was preserved and displayed to the public.

So this exhibition offers visitors the opportunity to get close to a piece of Italian history and to remember the era through an important icon of the car, combined with the image of one of the most beloved presidents of our country.

(photo from the 19th century)