Cologne race on Ferrari: Police stop novice driver (18)

Cologne race on Ferrari: Police stop novice driver (18)

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The 18-year-old raced through Cologne in a Ferrari California and apparently even competed in the race. The police stopped the novice driver and took the car.

Many young novice drivers usually get behind the wheel of cheap compact or small cars. According to research, just getting a driving license can cost more than 4,000 euros – depending on which region of Germany you attend driving school. Anyone who wants to buy a car without financial support, for example from parents or grandparents, often has to save for a long time. High-end exotic sports cars are out of reach – just like most average drivers. Not so obvious to the 18-year-old novice driver in Cologne: he was driving another car in a Ferrari California.

18-year-old racing Cologne in Ferrari – witness reports near collision

As the police report, around four in the morning a Ferrari approached the car of a 21-year-old Cologne woman at “high speed” and flashed its lights repeatedly. The super sports car then passed the 21-year-old so unexpectedly that – according to his co-driver – only a sudden maneuver could have prevented the collision.

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Police stop an 18-year-old Ferrari driver – and impound the car

Shortly after, according to the witness, the driver of the Ferrari allegedly had a race with another driver – who was previously unknown – the driver of a sports car. The patrol finally stopped the Ferrari and took not only the mobile phones of the driver and passenger (19), but also the driver’s license of the 18-year-old Ferrari California. The Ferrari driver is now being investigated on suspicion of participating in prohibited motor racing and endangering road traffic.

A Ferrari California T
An 18-year-old novice driver is accused of taking part in an illegal race in Cologne in a Ferrari convertible. (Signal image) © Depositphotos/Imago

What not everyone knows: At least two participants are not always required for illegal car races: There is also the crime of the so-called “solo racer” or “individual racing”. Since prohibited racing is not an administrative offense but a criminal offense, the consequences are higher: in addition to fines, imprisonment is also possible. The police had recently impounded a Porsche on suspicion of illegal “private racing”: a 27-year-old driver raced it through a 30 speed zone at 111 km/h.