Fun is at the heart of the Liesoutse Mini-Maestro

Fun is at the heart of the Liesoutse Mini-Maestro

Activities and Events

Liesout – Last Saturday Mini-Maestro was held in Liesout. Five students from De Sprankel stood in the box to conduct an interesting harmony St. Cecilia. The main manager of the project, Sophie de Ruijter, manages the wind band orchestra and is a music teacher at De Sprankel. With the wind orchestra and conductor Johan Smeulders, it was a wonderful afternoon in the Village Hall.

Chanel (10), Joep (12), Koen (11), Marijn (10) and Mieke (9) are looking forward to it. Although Marijn secretly reveals that she finds it very exciting. Recently, Liesout’s children learned about harmony from teacher Sophie. Driving is part of that and that’s why Johan came to the school to talk about his career. Five children were chosen to be in the Mini-Maestro.

A lot of preparation, focus and passion
Last Monday we practiced for the first time with the concert band. “They look at you very sweetly,” says Chanel, who will direct ‘Sweet Caroline’. “I know that music from PSV.” Joep was well prepared. “I want to do it well,” he says. “It’s a ‘once in a lifetime’ event and I think I have the hardest track. So many different instruments that need to be managed.” Koen thought the selection was short. It is good that now he can participate. He has been looking forward to this afternoon. Mieke says that she will direct the song ‘Automatic’ and Marijn reveals that she did not know the song she is about to direct. Saint Caecilia begins under the leadership of Johan, but quickly gives her place to Marijn. After leaving his safe place between mother and father, he relaxes more and more during the ‘second waltz’. Behind the orchestra is a screen showing the Mini-Maestros’ speech. Johan takes care of his students like a father. Johan helps out here and there, but often backs away. It’s nice to see that he’s enjoying the enthusiasm of youth.

Commendation committee
Frans van de Laar, Pieter Fleuren and Monika Slaets make up the kind of jury that gives nothing but praise. This also applies to Koen, who makes Watermelon sugar. He rejects the piece with conviction and jumps out of the box with a big smile. Chanel stays cool and calm and deftly shows off the size in her slippers. Joep says he listened to the piece eight times, but in the end it was more. When the orchestra stops at the beginning of the piece, he is already using the ‘Please sit down again quickly’ hand signal. Once he takes the lead, he drives with confidence and is very expressive. Mieke descends the steps of the Village Hall like a real diva. As he concentrates, with his lips pressed together, you can see his whole body setting a rhythm. Each of the children is beautiful to look at. Finally, Joep is chosen as Mini-Maestro, but there were five good artists. Like twelve-year-old Pieter, who, as the youngest member of the jury, gave expert commentary to his peers. The Mini-Maestro was a maxi experience.