Mercedes will be more profitable than BMWs

Mercedes will be more profitable than BMWs

BWM and Mercedes it’s against the sales figures game. And this competition continues and continues in 2024.

Mercedes a little behind

Indeed, the two high-end brands are direct rivals, as are Audi and Tesla who recently joined them. But which manufacturer is the most successful with drivers? Which one is more profitable? Well, we know more about it, as sales figures have been revealed last year. So, BMW had sold no less than 2,253,835 cars in 2023, an increase of 7.3% compared to the previous year. An impressive performance that confirms the continued popularity of the brand. However, Mercedes-Benz has not said its last word. The German brand remains firmly in second place, with 2,043,800 units sold in 2023. It has managed to maintain its position despite fierce competition. But the real surprise comes from Audi, which moved a little closer to the stars. With 1,895,240 units distributed, then it is displayed 17.4% growth. Tesla sold 1,808,581 electric vehicles last year worldwide.

Mercedes remains more profitable

But not only the sales figures are relevant, as the profitability of the car is also an important indicator. And with this move, Mercedes-Benz takes revenge. The star-studded brand has an operating rate of 12.8% per vehicle sold in 2023, surpassing BMW (11%) and Audi (9%). An interesting figure for the brand and star, time group of Stellantis is on the same level. So the French group also recorded very well …Read more at Autoplus