A drunk driver causes several accidents with his Maserati

A drunk driver causes several accidents with his Maserati

A Maserati driver with a blood alcohol level of two per thousand caused at least two traffic accidents in Ingolstadt and endangered one person. Police are looking for witnesses.

On Sunday around 6:15 pm, a road user caused a driver to drive in a queue on the Western Ringstrasse there. Ingolstadt communicate. The collision is said to have occurred between this car, a black Maserati with an Ingolstadt registration number, and another road user on Brodmühlweg. The driver of the Maserati then drove towards the Glacis Bridge and is said to have crossed the hard road block several times into oncoming traffic before turning left towards Schloßlände.

Due to careless driving style, several drivers had to take evasive action and brake hard to avoid a collision. A short time later, the patrol was able to see the Maserati with the engine running near the Maritim Hotel, police report. The driver involved was not in the car, but returned to the scene a few minutes later. The driver, a 31-year-old from Ingolstadt, smelled of strong alcohol. After a voluntary breath alcohol test showed less than two parts per mille, a blood sample was ordered and the driver’s license was confiscated.

Accident: Police in Ingolstadt looking for witnesses

Based on current knowledge, it can be assumed that the Maserati driver caused at least two traffic accidents and endangered at least one road user on the Western Ring Road. The Ingolstadt police station is asking these people and other witnesses to call 0841/9343-2222. (AZ)

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