In 2024, several unexpected and sudden deaths occurred. Long-time FIM Commission President Wolfgang Srb has significantly developed the Motocross World Championship. Gunter Frohn was the founder of MX.
In the past year, several important people left us, some of them very surprisingly: the long-time FIM Commission President Wolfgang Srb died on June 1 at the age of just 76. He created the World Cup and developed it further for decades. He was also an assistant to the German World Cup organizers at MSC Teutschenthal. In 2014, Srb was elected president of FIME and held this position until the end of 2018, after which he became honorary president. Srb offered to ensure that the Swiss Grand Prix was re-instated on the calendar. His desire to start the World Cup race again in his native Austria remained a vision.
He died at the beginning of May Suzuki-The founder Gunter Frohn at the age of 79. While cycling in the quad forest in his hometown of Lower Lusatia, he suffered a heart attack and collapsed. He was found dead two hours later. Gunter he was happy Suzuki– Man through and through. Even during the GDR, he looked after his fellow athletes Suzuki-Spare parts. This also included Heiko Klepka, Ken’s father Rockzen. It would probably be without Guntercommitment too Kennythe work turned out differently. Gunter In 2023, he did not miss the opportunity to travel 1,500 kilometers to his carrier to see Ken. Rockzen to support the Motocross of Nations in ErnĂ©e Suzukiof course. Rockzen he won that MXGP individual standings and Kenny would be Gunter the end of it Nations he couldn’t have given a better gift.
The 1991 world champion died in early July, Mike Healy, from a heart attack. The American was a rock star at the international motocross show. His life story is a complete tragedy. Despite drug addiction and imprisonment, he fought his way through his last years. In the end, he was only 56 years old.
According to me Your freedom crashed at the beginning of June in the 3rd round of the Czech international motocross championship Pacov and died in hospital from his fatal injuries. The ten-time Hungarian and two-time Czech champion, who was also well known in Germany, was only 31 years old.
German motocross legend Willy died at the end of October Oesterle. After all, the brilliant inventor reached the proud age of 92. Oesterle played a decisive role in shaping the German motocross scene from its early years to its heyday.
Although death is always a part of life, these people tend to leave lasting gaps for those left behind. We remember the sports fans who died in the past year and we will never forget them.