Arcadia Droptail is the most expensive car ever

Arcadia Droptail is the most expensive car ever

In general, we can not stop talking about cars. But every time a car passes by it leaves you speechless. In the positive sense of the statement.

Rolls-Royce Arcadia Droptail is such a car.

Rolls-Royce Arcadia Droptail: the superyacht of choice

As far as we’re concerned, the Arcadia Droptail is Rolls-Royce among Rolls-Royces. And if we’re saying that about a car from a decadent brand like Rolls-Royce, you can be sure that the level of luxury will go through the roof. It’s quite surprising, since the Arcadia Droptail is the only convertible from Rolls-Royce because the Dawn was discontinued a year ago. However, with a stark white exterior and wooden deck, this Arcadia Droptail looks more like a yacht on wheels than a car. The bathroom-like interior adds even more to this picture.

Arcadia Droptail from Rolls-Royce it’s the most expensive van ever.” width=”1140″ height=”641″ srcset=” -Royce-5-1920×1080.jpg 1920w,×169.jpg 300w, https:/ /×576.jpg 1024w, 2024/03/Arcadia-Droptail-van-Rolls-Royce-5-711×400.jpg 711w, -5-356×200.jpg 356w,×743.jpg 1320w, https://www 2048w” sizes=”(max-width: 1140px) 100vw, 1140px”/>
Photo: Rolls-Royce

Rolls-Royce once again presents an unprecedented number of human watches

Speaking of that wooden deck: Rolls-Royce – as we know Rolls-Royce – worked long hours on it. According to the brand itself, they have put no less than 8,000 man-hours into the finish of the wood, which is due to developing a coating to protect the wood. The coatings of conventional superyachts were not good for this, because they have to be changed constantly. In addition to the many hours spent finishing this, the wooden clock in the Arcadia Droptail also takes an unprecedented amount of time. In total, the geniuses of Rolls-Royce did this work in no less than five months and it took two years to develop it.

Arcadia Droptail, <strong>Arcadia Droptail from Rolls-Royce</strong> it’s the most expensive van ever.” width=”1140″ height=”641″ srcset=” -Royce-9-1920×1080.jpg 1920w,×169.jpg 300w, https:/ /×576.jpg 1024w, 2024/03/Arcadia-Droptail-van-Rolls-Royce-9-711×400.jpg 711w, -9-356×200.jpg 356w,×743.jpg 1320w, https://www 2048w” data-sizes=”(max-width: 1140px) 100vw, 1140px” bad-src= “”/> <strong>Arcadia Droptail from Rolls-Royce</strong> it’s the most expensive van ever.” width=”1140″ height=”641″ srcset=” -Royce-9-1920×1080.jpg 1920w,×169.jpg 300w, https:/ /×576.jpg 1024w, 2024/03/Arcadia-Droptail-van-Rolls-Royce-9-711×400.jpg 711w, -9-356×200.jpg 356w,×743.jpg 1320w, https://www 2048w” sizes=”(max-width: 1140px) 100vw, 1140px”/><figcaption id=Photo: Rolls-Royce

The price tag matches the Arcadia Droptail’s title as the most expensive car ever

To propel this superyacht on wheels, Rolls-Royce pumps a 6.75-liter V12 under the hood that produces a total of 600 hp. That’s a little more than the Phantom. Furthermore, the Arcadia Droptail was not developed on the standard Luxure platform Architecture, but on the special platform that gives the Arcadia Droptail its name – which translates to ‘.Heaven on Earth‘ – does it absolutely justice. Unfortunately, so is the price: various sources report a cost of 25 million euros, while an amount of up to 31 million is also reported. Fortunately, at least the image is free.