The electric SUV is now presented in a new and better version

The electric SUV is now presented in a new and better version

BYD wants to make it big in Europe and more foundation stones will be laid for this in 2024. For example with new models or improvements of existing electric cars. The well-known BYD Tang is now being relaunched, and the electric SUV will soon come to Europe in a modified version.

A few technical improvements were already discussed and now the optical improvements are revealed with a small teaser. The front view in particular now looks more modern and with the facelift it loses the old-fashioned looking radiator grille, which is not functional anyway.

According to information at the beginning of the year, the BYD Tang is available in a new version with a WLTP range of more than 530 km, 11 kW is now possible on an AC charger and DC chargers with a maximum of 190 kW. The top model puts 517 hp on the road.

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