Cadillac: the last fashion show as a final tribute to Lily Ballot

Cadillac: the last fashion show as a final tribute to Lily Ballot

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Exhibit 1it is May, it was his time. Parades, flea markets, children’s garage sales, celebrity guests… Lily vote pulled out all the stops. The oldest dealer in Cadillac (Gironde) – for more than 50 years – left us on Friday May 5, 2023 after a long battle with illness.

Almost a year later, on Tuesday, April 30 from 7:30 pm in the hall, the Cadillac dealers would like to pay him the last respect.

Final congratulations to this lady

Audrey Jean, from the trade association

“This will be the last show of Lily’s fashions and collections. Evening dresses, very elegant… everything she had saved all these years. Afterwards, there will be no more parades. It’s really to pay the last respect to this great lady who worked for hard work for Cadillac. Ten girls and four boys will accompany Lily’s collection, stored in its stores before being removed. Then, a photo slideshow will show the memories on a screen in the hall,” he explains Audrey Jeanthe current president of the trade association.

If local actors are doing this event, it is not only for her, but also for her boyfriend Guy, her nieces and nephews and her family.

The Showroom will serve food in the hall (on the menu: steak, fries, fruit skewer, coffee). The evening will be hosted by a DJ, with a ball scheduled from 11:00 to 2:00.

The fashion show will be held at 8:30 pm and will be open to all.

When the parade misses the Cadillac…

On the left, Lily Kura in front of her shop during a Cadillac ride day. © Margot Delpech

An event that cannot be compared in any way to that organized by “Miss Commerce of France” because, the people of Cadillac will remember the great parade of Cadillac, especially the adoption of the former Miss France, Valérie Bègue, and other winners such as Miss Europe. in the Tower Fortress.

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The only one he didn’t bring: Geneviève de Fontenay. “It cost a lot,” said Cadi Young’s manager, with his strong character and business sense. Additionally, she received the title of “Miss Commerce of France” in 2003 from Simone Veil for her dedication to the Cadillac trade association. That shows how special Lily was!

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