RTV Stichtse Vecht – KIA wants a high advertising mast along the A2, the municipality says ‘NO’

RTV Stichtse Vecht – KIA wants a high advertising mast along the A2, the municipality says ‘NO’

The Municipal Executive does not want to cooperate in the application for an environmental permit for the construction of a new 12-meter-high advertising mast with LED screens near the Corridor in Breukelen, along the A2. This was at the request of KIA Netherlands (Display of desired column/mast source plan area: Haco annex document council information system).

The Municipal Executive presented this intention to the committee on Tuesday, March 26. The company itself was strongly represented by three people and strongly stated that it was not happy with the intended proposal. Léan Verstoep, CEO of KIA Netherlands, said: ‘Three years ago we applied for a permit corresponding to the zoning plan. In other municipalities this does not cause any problems. We do not understand why such a mast is not possible or allowed in our country, when there are words of the same nature and size elsewhere.’ KIA’s lawyer also addressed the politicians and argued why, in his opinion, the request cannot be rejected from a legal point of view.

The KIA application was submitted for evaluation in early 2022 to Mooisticht, Rijkswaterstaat and municipal construction consultancy firm Stichtse Vecht. They all gave negative advice. For example, the Rijkswaterstaat decided that there are road safety obstacles in realizing this advertising mast. However, the municipality has a positive opinion about a joint advertising mast for several companies, and it seems that this idea is accepted due to the political debate.

Comparison of the current situation and the situation required by KIA Netherlands

The proposal from the Chief Executive of the Municipality will be presented to the council as a topic of discussion on Tuesday, April 9, with a request not to issue a declaration of no objection to the implementation of the KIA advertising mast with a height of 12 meters. It is expected that by presenting the motion, the council will be tasked with identifying a joint advertising mast, which will also allow competing car companies in the Corridor to advertise along the A2. KIA Netherlands has indicated that it cannot rule out the possibility of legal action.