A child with a VW problem suffers from “internal gravity”

A child with a VW problem suffers from “internal gravity”

Audi is considered as the main brand of VW the car maker has to compete against BMW and Mercedes with its first segment. This has not been possible in recent years, but should be possible again in the future of electricity. Audi Q6 e-tron and A6 e-tron should be able to do this for Audi from 2024. But there is still a lot to do.

New Insider report of internal tension in Audi. There are major personnel changes that have not been communicated to the outside world. Managers in individual departments work towards different goals and sometimes have little or no communication. At the same time, the company must be reformed internally, and the leadership levels shortened.

There are fears that Audi could end up saving a lot of money to achieve greater efficiency and lower costs, leading to other negative effects. They really want to rebuild “Development through Technology”. This is a big challenge for Audi’s leadership, but for now it is basically self-contained.

But Audi doesn’t just want to be at the forefront of the premium segment. At the same time, a cheaper electric model, which is placed under Q4, has also been announced for the next few years. We hope that internal tensions will not cause delays like we saw with the Q6, which was delayed by several years.

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