BYD is bringing an electric alternative to the Golf GTI, Hyundai i30 N and Honda Civic Type R

BYD is bringing an electric alternative to the Golf GTI, Hyundai i30 N and Honda Civic Type R

Until now, BYD has been very cautious, bringing “ordinary” electric cars to ordinary target groups. Currently there is no real offer for young people who can also become petrol heads. However, what will change. Now the Ocean M has been shown for the first time, a compact and highly progressive electric car.

BYD is talking about a performance model, which, however, drives only the rear wheels. As a rule, electric vehicles have all-wheel drive. However, because VW has not found a good drive concept for the ID.3 GTX, BYD will definitely be able to attack or even surpass this model.


BYD boasts a look that basically reminds me of Hyundai i30 N or Honda Civic R. Golf GTI or ID.3 GTX looks lame on the other hand. Anything but reserved, this car makes a statement at first glance. BYD has yet to reveal whether this will technically be the case. There was still no information about the battery, performance, etc


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