Isabella Ferrari, abortion: “My mother accompanied me”

Isabella Ferrari, abortion: “My mother accompanied me”

Qthat ofabortion It is a very current topic. And he was, among many, also sharing his experience on the subject Isabella Ferrari. Guest of Silvia Toffanin a totally truethe 60-year-old actor looked back those difficult times, remembering the importance of having his mother by his side.

The amazing words of Incoronata Boccia on abortion:

Isabella Ferrari and her relationship with her mother

Isabella Ferrari’s mother, Maria Vinetti, played an important role in the life of the actor. At the beginning of his film career, for example, it was he who accompanied him to the screening of The taste of the sea, which marked Isabella Ferrari’s first breakthrough. And the relationship with the mother has remained very strong: «Today I also remember him in the daily management of things. And, before it was over, my husband was surprised that I even heard it twice a day.”

Isabella Ferrari, abortion: “My mother accompanied me”

Mother, Isabella Ferrari remembered, who was always by his side no matter what. no matter when, very young, she decided to have an abortion “though it may seem unusual for a mother to accompany you in such a situation». Instead, the actor emphasized, “I see that at that time – because many years have passed – it was something revolutionary. Also for where we came from, for our culture: mother yes, she accompanied me».

Isabella Ferrari and abortion

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Was it hard to win? Toffanin asked him. «Now we talk all the time about abortion in all ways, in all countries of the world» replied Isabella Ferrari. «I would like to be in France, where that right is in the constitution: therefore it is a piece that cannot be changed again, that freedom. In America it is quite the opposite: there are many states where it is not allowed or is no longer allowed. And for what I have found, and for what I think, absolutely it is always a question associated with love».

Admitting to having a child, the actress explained, “It always has a relationship with love there, it cannot be forced. Sometimes there are problems with violence, or poverty, or… I don’t know, There can be many problems that prevent you from accepting or getting pregnant and therefore it can only be in the hands of this one to be a woman. So I was a little girl and my mother who accompanies me remains for me an image of great freedom and great love».

Leave the possibility of making mistakes

A love that Isabella Ferrari now says she hopes she has been able to pass on to her three children as well. A love that also goes through”leave the possibility of making mistakes in this world where we must all be beautiful and perfect, and where our self-esteem is at stake every time we turn on the phone.”