Bentley and The Macallan unveil ‘The Horizon’

Bentley and The Macallan unveil ‘The Horizon’

Celebrating your birthday works differently for everyone. One person holds the cake and tea and the other invites the whole list of people to a wonderful party.

We’re personally big fans of The Macallan whiskey company’s approach to birthdays. In partnership with Bentley, they bring you the best treatment you can offer.

Congratulations on the new Macallan Horizon

The carmaker and the premium whiskey brand are teaming up for the 200th anniversary to launch The Macallan Horizon on the market. The partnership was already announced in 2022, but patience was requested until this memorable anniversary. Meanwhile, there has already been a big toast with The Macallan Horizon. Of course, we completely agree with them.

‘The Macallan Horizon’” width=”1140″ height=”760″ srcset=”×1280.jpg 1920w, https:/ /×200.jpg 300w, The-Macallan-Horizon-10-1024×683.jpg 1024w,×400.jpg 600w, https://×880.jpg 1320w, -Macallan-Horizon-10.jpg 2048w” sizes=”(max-width: 1140px) 100vw, 1140px”/>
Photo: Bentley

Beautiful outside, and even more beautiful inside

New The whiskey is presented in a 180 degree bottle, which is always designed to be horizontal rather than vertical. A design that subtly references Bentley’s broad horizons. And no matter how beautiful the bottle looks from the outside, the contents are just delicious. This single malt whiskey is offered with lots of dried fruit and a spicy flavor that is perfectly balanced by notes of oak and leather. This is due to blending from six first-fill oak sherry casks, each of which adds a unique character to the whisky.

upeo wa macho wa macallan, The Macallan en Bentley trakteren alikutana na <strong>‘The Macallan Horizon’</strong>” width=”1140″ height=”641″ srcset=”×1080.jpg 1920w, https:/ /×169.jpg 300w, The-Macallan-Horizon-1-1024×576.jpg 1024w,×400.jpg 711w, https://×200.jpg 356w, -Macallan-Horizon-1-1320×743.jpg 1320w, 2048w” data-sizes=”(max -width: 1140px) 100vw, 1140px” bad-src=””/> <strong>‘The Macallan Horizon’</strong>” width=”1140″ height=”641″ srcset=”×1080.jpg 1920w, https:/ /×169.jpg 300w, The-Macallan-Horizon-1-1024×576.jpg 1024w,×400.jpg 711w, https://×200.jpg 356w, -Macallan-Horizon-1-1320×743.jpg 1320w, 2048w” sizes=”(max-width : 1140px) 100vw, 1140px”/><figcaption id=Photo: Bentley

A reasonable price tag for this premium whiskey

The partnership is a huge success as far as the brands themselves are concerned. ‘We have worked with The Macallan for many years, taking the time to create this beautiful first product that represents the best of both brands..’ That statement is given more force by the price tag hanging on the 70cl bottle. You pay €45,000 for this limited edition whisky. At that price, we’re just looking at a great bottle that Bentley and The Macallan have made.