Required: Land Rover Defender 130 parking space

Required: Land Rover Defender 130 parking space

After before After testing the Land Rover Defender 90 and then the 110, we thought we’d seen it all. Until Land Rover decided to release the Defender 130. The difference, as a car, is, uhm, big.

Land Rover Defender 130

Now the Defender 90 and 110 are not on the small side, the 130 really packs a punch. With a length of 5.4 meters (measurement including the spare wheel), Land Rover has created a very long car that is actually very large by European standards.

A simple action like parking is suddenly not an easy task anymore. If you put it back in the compartment, you quickly have the problem that the rear wheel is in danger of hitting something. And if you just park in front, the rear comes out again. There is no trick to getting it right. It is too big for a normal parking space. Fortunately, steering is surprisingly easy thanks to the rotating rear axles.

Wanted: parking lot voor de Land Rover Defender 130″ width=”1140″ height=”641″ srcset=” -P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-4-van-82-1920×1080.jpg 1920w, Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-4-van-82-300×169.jpg 300w, -Rover-Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-4-van-82-1024×576.jpg 1024w, 03/Land-Rover-Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-4-van-82-711×400.jpg 711w, /2024/03/Land-Rover-Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-4-van-82-356×200.jpg 356w, content/uploads/2024/03/Land-Rover-Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-4-van-82-1320×743.jpg 1320w, /wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Land-Rover-Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-4-van-82.jpg 2000w” sizes=”(max-width: 1140px) 100vw, 1140px”/>
Photo: J-RO Press

Eight seats

Now we just don’t want to complain, because you almost never come across a car with eight full-sized seats. Apart from some Mercedes cars, Defender 130 cannot be compared with them. The Defender 130 has eight seats spread across three rows. You sit quite comfortably in the last row and have a (small) panoramic roof, USB-C connectors and heated seats at your disposal. Don’t need this row? Then it can be folded and you have a lot of space for your luggage. That is 2516 liters – which is an unprecedented amount.

Why not?

With a 3.0-liter engine producing 400 horsepower, it’s something to behold. We were able to reach a top speed of 175 km/h with ease. In fact; this was higher. But it will not be very comfortable, because the bulky design does not invite to drive very fast. With an average use of 1 out of 10, you can imagine that the Defender 130 would like a sip. Fortunately, you can reach a tank capacity of no less than 90 liters.

Land Rover Defender 130, <strong>Wanted:</strong> parking lot voor de Land Rover Defender 130″ width=”1140″ height=”641″ srcset=” -P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-1-van-82-1920×1080.jpg 1920w, Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-1-van-82-300×169.jpg 300w, -Rover-Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-1-van-82-1024×576.jpg 1024w, 03/Land-Rover-Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-1-van-82-711×400.jpg 711w, /2024/03/Land-Rover-Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-1-van-82-356×200.jpg 356w, content/uploads/2024/03/Land-Rover-Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-1-van-82-1320×743.jpg 1320w, /wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Land-Rover-Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-1-van-82.jpg 2000w” data-sizes=”(max- width: 1140px) 100vw, 1140px” bad-src=””/> <strong>Wanted:</strong> parking lot voor de Land Rover Defender 130″ width=”1140″ height=”641″ srcset=” -P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-1-van-82-1920×1080.jpg 1920w, Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-1-van-82-300×169.jpg 300w, -Rover-Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-1-van-82-1024×576.jpg 1024w, 03/Land-Rover-Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-1-van-82-711×400.jpg 711w, /2024/03/Land-Rover-Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-1-van-82-356×200.jpg 356w, content/uploads/2024/03/Land-Rover-Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-1-van-82-1320×743.jpg 1320w, /wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Land-Rover-Defender-130-P400E-_-J-ro-Media-x-Manify-1-van-82.jpg 2000w” sizes=”(max-width: 1140px) 100vw, 1140px”/><figcaption id=Photo: J-RO Press


First of all: it drives amazingly. At low speeds it pulls down the road like a dream. The Defender 130 is over 190 meters long, so you have that great feeling of the car. And because you’re so high up, you have a lot of overview. Looking ahead, hoping for the best: staying on top has its benefits. If you plan to go off-road through the mud, the Defender 130 will hold its own. As you would expect from a genuine Land Rover. And if you want to enter the water, you can do so up to a depth of 90 cm.

Land Rover Defender 130 specs
– P400 Motor: 3.0
– Power: 400 hp
– Top speed: 175 km / h
– 0-100 km/h: 5.7 seconds
Weight – 2625 kg
– Starting price: €165,490