‘Maserati Modena, an unacceptable breach’, the fortress of Modena Saturday Cambia and Alemanno – Politics

‘Maserati Modena, an unacceptable breach’, the fortress of Modena Saturday Cambia and Alemanno – Politics

In front of the national leader of Indipendenza, the mayoral candidate of the Modena Cambia list Daniele Giovanardi and the head of the list Beatrice De Maio: ‘The government should include the fate of Maserati in the negotiation table opened by Stellantis’

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‘Against the dissolution of Modena’s quality’. With this slogan, the list of Modena Cambia organized, on Saturday, from 11.15am, a demonstration in front of the headquarters of Maserati in Modena via San Giovanni Bosco 250/264.
The mayoral candidate Daniele Giovanardi, the leader of Modena Cambia Beatrice De Maio (outgoing city councilor) and the national secretary of the Freedom Movement, Gianni Alemanno, will be present.

The “Modena Cambia” list – announced by Giovanardi and De Maio – will be the front line in the defense of all those companies, starting with Maserati, threatened by the economic crisis and the bad choices of industrial policies that affect local and Italian companies. We will fight to ensure that a historic brand like Maserati, which is part of Modena’s identity, is not lost in the area, also and above all for those who work there and related activities.

‘It will be a big blow to Made in Italy if the historic headquarters of Modena of Maserati are destroyed – declares the secretary of the Freedom Movement Gianni Alemanno – and it is for this reason that Indipendenza will mobilize to ask the government to include the fate of Maserati in the negotiation table opened by Stellantis.

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La Pressa is an independent online newspaper founded by Cinzia Franchini, Gianni Galeotti and Giuseppe Leonelli. It provides insight, analysis and opinion on the political situation, .. Continue >>